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Welcome to the "Catch of the Day " edition, where creativity meets rarity. Each premium flavor uses ingredients limited in quantity and rich in story. Sourced from cherished discoveries and gifts from adventure-trotting friends.



Smallholder coffee ☕️ beans from Fincas La Sombra; Responsibly produced coffee under agroforestry systems in Hacienda Anita in Guayanilla, Puerto Rico 🇵🇷


Roasted by Café Sotavento:

This batch is a Marsellesa variety, 48/48 Lavado. It undergoes a unique wash process with an extended fermentation, 48-hour fermentation in fruit, and 48 hours after pulping before being washed and sun-dried. The coffee is shade-grown in Guayanilla in the southwestern part of the island, approximately 900 meters above sea level. It is roasted to order in extremely small batches, coming from less than 3 hectares of total plantation area. This intriguing process ensures a truly exceptional coffee experience.


Try the mystic infusion cultivated with karmic positivity and mental clarity. It will delight you with the abundance mindset to win in life!



Catch of the Day

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